
The information in the Almanac was supplied by accrediting organizations. The Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) has formatted but not otherwise edited the provided information. The definition of terms is not standard among all accrediting organizations. The Almanac identifies regional, national faith-related, national career-related and programmatic accreditors that are recognized by CHEA and/or the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) and are currently engaged in accreditation activities.

The Almanac provides an overview of the external quality review process in theUnited States, with a particular focus onaccreditation – its practice, structure and organizations and its role in assuring the quality of higher education. The Almanac contributes to ongoing discussions among policymakers, members of the public and educators about quality in higher education.

The Almanac

  • Provides information about the major participants involved in external quality review, thereby offering readers a single sourcebook on how institutions and programs are reviewed for quality.
  • Promotes understanding of external quality review by documenting the range and capacities of existing review procedures.
  • Encourages information sharing among the various participants in quality review in order to reduce the duplication of reporting efforts and to minimize the administrative and record-keeping requirements for higher education institutions and programs.

Assessing academic quality is inherently difficult, particularly when the academic enterprise in question is as complex and multifaceted as United States higher education. CHEA believes, however, that the quality review process, though complex, is comprehensible.


The Council for Higher Education Accreditation surveyed accrediting organizations in the fall of 2020. Accrediting organizations were asked to provide information for the 2020-2021 year. Data are provided only for accrediting organizations currently recognized by either CHEA and/or USDE, a link to each of the organizations may be found here.

Next: Overview of U.S. Accreditation