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Council for Standards in Human Service Education (CSHSE)

Profile of Accrediting Organization, 2020-2021

38.8092851, -77.0875511

Yvonne M. Chase, PhD, LCSW, ACSW
Phone : 571-257-3959
Fax : 703-342-4311
3337 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-5219

Profile of Accredited Programs, 2020-2021:

56 Accredited U.S. and non-U.S. Programs: n/a Students

56 Total Degree-Granting:

51 Public
3 Private Nonprofit
0 Private For-Profit
0 Total Non-Degree-Granting:

0 Public
0 Private Nonprofit
0 Private For-Profit

Recognition Status as of 2020-2021:

Recognized by: Council for Higher Education Accreditation

Range of Accreditation Activity:

CSHSE accredits human services educational programs in the United States, at the associate, bachelor, and master degree levels.

Sponsoring Organization:


International Accreditation Activity:

n/a Non-U.S. institutions or programs operating outside the U.S.
n/a U.S. institutions or programs operating outside the U.S.
n/a Organization evaluates credentials or degrees from outside the U.S.

Operating Information for Accrediting Unit Only:


$0 Direct support from any sponsoring organization
$0 In-kind support from any sponsoring organization

Employees and Volunteers:
0 Full-time Employees
0 Part-time Employees
25 Volunteers - Served 2020-2021

Composition of Decision-Making Body
Individuals who serve or have served as faculty in a college or university-based human services program.

Profile of 2020-2021 Accreditation Activities :

Frequency of Comprehensive Reviews and Required Follow-Up: Within 6 months of conditional accreditation decision

Frequency of Comprehensive Review of Accreditation Standards: Accreditation cycle is every ten yearswith a site visit and with a five year interim report

Summary of 2020-2021 Formal Actions:
0 Initial Candidacy or Preaccreditation Granted
0 Initial Candidacy or Preaccreditation Denied
3 Initial Accreditation Granted
0 Initial Accreditation Denied
9 Accreditation Continued Following Comprehensive Review
3 Accreditation Continued Following Comprehensive Review with Required Follow-up
0 Notice or Warning
0 Probation
0 Show Cause
0 Accreditation Terminated or Removed
0 Actions under Appeal
n/a Other

Summary of Additional 2020-2021 Actions:
n/a Substantive Changes Reviewed
3 Site Visits
4 Voluntary Discontinuance or Expiration of Accreditation