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Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC)

Profile of Accrediting Organization, 2020-2021

36.24442, -82.55452

Executive Director
Thomas Smalling, PhD
Phone : 817-283-2835
Fax : 817-510-1063
264 Precision Blvd, Telford, TN 37690

Profile of Accredited Programs, 2020-2021:

416 Accredited U.S. and non-U.S. Programs: 7,800 Students

416 Total Degree-Granting:

339 Public
36 Private Nonprofit
41 Private For-Profit
0 Total Non-Degree-Granting:

0 Public
0 Private Nonprofit
0 Private For-Profit

Recognition Status as of 2020-2021:

Recognized by: Council for Higher Education Accreditation

Range of Accreditation Activity:

The CoARC accredits Entry into Professional Practice respiratory care programs at the Associate, Baccalaureate, and Master’s degree levels, as well as post-professional Degree Advancement respiratory care programs at the Baccalaureate and Master's degree levels and Advanced Practice respiratory care programs at the graduate level. The CoARC also accredits certificate programs that train sleep disorders specialists offered by any of its accredited respiratory care programs. CoARC accreditation is limited to programs physically located in the United States and its territories. (2020)

Sponsoring Organization:

CoARC is a freestanding organization. It has collaborating rather than sponsoring organizations.

International Accreditation Activity:

0 Non-U.S. institutions or programs operating outside the U.S.
0 U.S. institutions or programs operating outside the U.S.
No Organization evaluates credentials or degrees from outside the U.S.

Operating Information for Accrediting Unit Only:


$0 Direct support from any sponsoring organization
$0 In-kind support from any sponsoring organization

Employees and Volunteers:
5 Full-time Employees
0 Part-time Employees
55 Volunteers - Served 2020-2021

Composition of Decision-Making Body
18-member board composed of representative members of the public (1), ATS (2), AARC (6), At-large (3), ASA (2), ASAHP (1), Past-president (1), CHEST (1), SCCM (1)

Profile of 2020-2021 Accreditation Activities :

Frequency of Comprehensive Reviews and Required Follow-Up: Visits after 3 years of outcomes data have been reported for Provisional; visits at 5 years for Initial Continuing; visits every 10 years for Continuing; Outcomes reported annually. Commission may require additional visits and/ or reports as needed.

Frequency of Comprehensive Review of Accreditation Standards: Comprehensive Reviews every 5 years; Focused reviews as needed in-between 5-year cycle.

Summary of 2020-2021 Formal Actions:
17 Initial Candidacy or Preaccreditation Granted
0 Initial Candidacy or Preaccreditation Denied
14 Initial Accreditation Granted
0 Initial Accreditation Denied
62 Accreditation Continued Following Comprehensive Review
5 Accreditation Continued Following Comprehensive Review with Required Follow-up
82 Notice or Warning
5 Probation
n/a Show Cause
6 Accreditation Terminated or Removed
0 Actions under Appeal
0 Other

Summary of Additional 2020-2021 Actions:
65 Substantive Changes Reviewed
79 Site Visits
11 Voluntary Discontinuance or Expiration of Accreditation