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Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP)

Profile of Accrediting Organization, 2020-2021

28.0038667, -82.732465

Executive Director
Gina Scarboro, DBA, CAA
Phone : 727-210-2350
Fax : 727-210-2354
9355 - 113th St. N., Seminole, FL 33775

Profile of Accredited Programs, 2020-2021:

2,241 Accredited U.S. and non-U.S. Programs: 46,000 Students

1,424 Total Degree-Granting:

1,101 Public
211 Private Nonprofit
112 Private For-Profit
817 Total Non-Degree-Granting:

559 Public
159 Private Nonprofit
99 Private For-Profit

Recognition Status as of 2020-2021:

Recognized by: Council for Higher Education Accreditation

Range of Accreditation Activity:

Accredits certificate, diploma, associate, bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in the following disciplines: advanced cardiovascular sonographer, anesthesia technologist, anesthesiologist assistant, art therapist, assistive technology practitioners, cardiovascular technologist, clinical research professionals, cytotechnologist, diagnostic medical sonographer, emergency medical services-paramedic, exercise science professional, kinesiotherapist, lactation consultant, medical assistant, medical illustrator, neurodiagnostic technologist, orthotist and prosthetist, perfusionist, polysomnographic technologist, recreational therapist, specialist in blood bank technology, surgical assistant and surgical technologist. CAAHEP accredits programs in the United States and internationally. (2020)

Sponsoring Organization:

65 sponsoring organizations

International Accreditation Activity:

6 Non-U.S. institutions or programs operating outside the U.S.
0 U.S. institutions or programs operating outside the U.S.
No Organization evaluates credentials or degrees from outside the U.S.

Program Countries

New Zealand
Saudi Arabia

Operating Information for Accrediting Unit Only:


$195,000 Direct support from any sponsoring organization
$n/a In-kind support from any sponsoring organization

Employees and Volunteers:
5 Full-time Employees
1 Part-time Employees
930 Volunteers - Served 2020-2021

Composition of Decision-Making Body
11 member board of directors composed of commissioners from sponsoring organizations, educational programs, committees on accreditation, at-large education representatives, and the public.

Profile of 2020-2021 Accreditation Activities :

Frequency of Comprehensive Reviews and Required Follow-Up: Every 5 to 10 years (it varies by profession)

Frequency of Comprehensive Review of Accreditation Standards: At least once every 10 years (more frequently as needed)

Summary of 2020-2021 Formal Actions:
n/a Initial Candidacy or Preaccreditation Granted
n/a Initial Candidacy or Preaccreditation Denied
53 Initial Accreditation Granted
1 Initial Accreditation Denied
137 Accreditation Continued Following Comprehensive Review
45 Accreditation Continued Following Comprehensive Review with Required Follow-up
n/a Notice or Warning
11 Probation
n/a Show Cause
1 Accreditation Terminated or Removed
0 Actions under Appeal
1 Other

Summary of Additional 2020-2021 Actions:
4 Substantive Changes Reviewed
188 Site Visits
49 Voluntary Discontinuance or Expiration of Accreditation