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American Psychological Association, Commission on Accreditation (APA-CoA)

Profile of Accrediting Organization, 2020-2021

38.9071923, -77.0368707

Director, Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation
Arthur C. Evans, Jr., PhD
Phone : 202-336-5979
Fax : 202-336-5978
Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation, American Psychological Association, 750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242

Profile of Accredited Programs, 2020-2021:

1,228 Accredited U.S. and non-U.S. Programs: 23,308 Students

n/a Total Degree-Granting:

n/a Public
n/a Private Nonprofit
n/a Private For-Profit
n/a Total Non-Degree-Granting:

n/a Public
n/a Private Nonprofit
n/a Private For-Profit

Recognition Status as of 2020-2021:

Recognized by: Council for Higher Education Accreditation and the U.S. Department of Education

Range of Accreditation Activity:

The pre-accreditation and accreditation in the United States of doctoral programs in clinical, counseling, school psychology, (and combinations of 2 or more of these practice areas); doctoral internship programs in health service psychology; and postdoctoral residency programs in health service psychology.

Sponsoring Organization:

American Psychological Association

International Accreditation Activity:

0 Non-U.S. institutions or programs operating outside the U.S.
0 U.S. institutions or programs operating outside the U.S.
No Organization evaluates credentials or degrees from outside the U.S.

Operating Information for Accrediting Unit Only:


$0 Direct support from any sponsoring organization
$0 In-kind support from any sponsoring organization

Employees and Volunteers:
16 Full-time Employees
0 Part-time Employees
127 Volunteers - Served 2020-2021

Composition of Decision-Making Body
32-member board composed of representatives for the Breadth of the Scientific Discipline of Psychology (5); Professional Education and Training in Psychology (16); Practitioners of the Profession Representing Independent, Institutional, and Specialized Practice (5); Public Interest (3); Graduate Student (1); and Open Seats (2)

Profile of 2020-2021 Accreditation Activities :

Frequency of Comprehensive Reviews and Required Follow-Up: While periodic comprehensive reviews for accredited programs occur on an up to 10-year basis, every program is reviewed every year on reporting requirements that include an attestation and data. Plus, an interim report is filed at the mid-point of the term for those programs awarded a 10-year time between reviews. Lastly, programs that are accredited on contingency have annual reporting requirements, plus the submission of data following a timeframe that requires the completion of full accreditation within an established period (e.g., 5 years).

Frequency of Comprehensive Review of Accreditation Standards: At least every 5 years.

Summary of 2020-2021 Formal Actions:
8 Initial Candidacy or Preaccreditation Granted
0 Initial Candidacy or Preaccreditation Denied
10 Initial Accreditation Granted
0 Initial Accreditation Denied
57 Accreditation Continued Following Comprehensive Review
n/a Accreditation Continued Following Comprehensive Review with Required Follow-up
n/a Notice or Warning
1 Probation
n/a Show Cause
0 Accreditation Terminated or Removed
0 Actions under Appeal
0 Other

Summary of Additional 2020-2021 Actions:
n/a Substantive Changes Reviewed
56 Site Visits
20 Voluntary Discontinuance or Expiration of Accreditation