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Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES)

Profile of Accrediting Organization, 2020-2021

38.9073945, -77.2166393

Executive Director
India Y. Tips
Phone : 301-291-7550
6116 Executive Blvd. , Suite 730, North Bethesda, MD, MD 20852

Profile of Accredited Institutions, 2020-2021:

404 Accredited U.S. and non-U.S. Institutions: 237,301 Students

332 Total Degree-Granting:

7 Public
76 Private Nonprofit
249 Private For-Profit
72 Total Non-Degree-Granting:

4 Public
3 Private Nonprofit
65 Private For-Profit

Profile of Accredited Programs, 2020-2021:

n/a Accredited U.S. and non-U.S. Programs: 237,301 Students

5 Total Degree-Granting:

n/a Public
n/a Private Nonprofit
n/a Private For-Profit
n/a Total Non-Degree-Granting:

n/a Public
n/a Private Nonprofit
n/a Private For-Profit

Recognition Status as of 2020-2021:

Recognized by: U.S. Department of Education

Range of Accreditation Activity:

Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES) is recognized by the United States Secretary of Education for the accreditation of private, postsecondary institutions in the United States offering predominantly allied health education programs leading to a certificate, diploma, and degrees at the level of the Associate of Applied Science, Associate of Occupational Science, Academic Associate, Baccalaureate and Master’s; and the programmatic accreditation of medical assisting, medical laboratory technology, and surgical technology programs, through the Associate degree, including those offered via distance education. The scope extends to the Substantive Change Committee, jointly with the Commission, for decisions on substantive change.

Sponsoring Organization:


International Accreditation Activity:

n/a Non-U.S. institutions or programs operating outside the U.S.
n/a U.S. institutions or programs operating outside the U.S.
n/a Organization evaluates credentials or degrees from outside the U.S.

Operating Information for Accrediting Unit Only:


$n/a Direct support from any sponsoring organization
$n/a In-kind support from any sponsoring organization

Employees and Volunteers:
18 Full-time Employees
n/a Part-time Employees
402 Volunteers - Served 2020-2021

Composition of Decision-Making Body
BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: The ABHES Board of Commissioners consists of fifteen members, seven appointed by the commissioners themselves (either ABHES members or non-ABHES members) and eight elected by the accredited members from among its accredited institutions and programs. At least three of the Commissioners represent the public, as defined by the U.S. Department of Education, and have no affiliation with an ABHES-accredited institution or program. Care is taken to include in its mix academic and administrative personnel, and educators and practitioners. Each Commissioner serves a defined term and is held responsible to a strict Code of Ethics.

Profile of 2020-2021 Accreditation Activities :

Frequency of Comprehensive Reviews and Required Follow-Up: n/a

Frequency of Comprehensive Review of Accreditation Standards: 1-6 years

Summary of 2020-2021 Formal Actions:
0 Initial Candidacy or Preaccreditation Granted
0 Initial Candidacy or Preaccreditation Denied
15 Initial Accreditation Granted
0 Initial Accreditation Denied
28 Accreditation Continued Following Comprehensive Review
0 Accreditation Continued Following Comprehensive Review with Required Follow-up
24 Notice or Warning
0 Probation
9 Show Cause
1 Accreditation Terminated or Removed
2 Actions under Appeal
0 Other

Summary of Additional 2020-2021 Actions:
90 Substantive Changes Reviewed
137 Site Visits
17 Voluntary Discontinuance or Expiration of Accreditation